Next: Running the SAMPLER to
Up: Preparation and sampling of
Previous: Digitised coastlinecontour and
At this point, the reader may wish to examine the demonstration files
bnd.dig, cont.dig, and sound.nod with a text editor and read the format
specifications for DIGIT and NODE files in Part III. Some points to
notice are:
- The outer boundary data in bnd.dig is organised in 6 blocks, which
correspond to the alternate stretches of land and open sea boundary
A-B, B-C, C-D, D-E, E-F and F-A in Fig. 2.1. The distinction between
land and sea parts of the outer boundary is maintained so that, if
desired, different sub-sampling rates can be used for each when sub-
sampling with the SAMPLER program. The beginning of each continuation
block is signalled by a record consisting of two values: 88 88. The
SAMPLER works on the assumption that the first block of outer
boundary data corresponds to a land boundary and subsequent blocks are
sea and land alternately.
- The format of the soundings file sound.nod is a degenerate case of the
NODE format defined in Part III. Since all the soundings become
interior nodes for the depth grid, there are no boundary nodes and so
the second line of the file has a zero, indicating the file contains
neither outer boundary nor island boundary information, and the total
number of nodes in line 1 equals the number of interior nodes in the
third line.
- All TRIGRID programs accept free format input, with numeric fields
separated by blanks or commas but not tabs. To reduce disk storage
requirements, fixed formats are used for output. To improve
readability, only I and F formats are used. Since TRIGRID uses single
precision arithmetic, this means that coordinate and depth values must
be scaled at the outset to suit the output formats listed in Part III,
otherwise data may be accidentally truncated. For instance,
longitude and latitude values to the accuracy used in many
hydrographic data banks will lose significant figures if input
unchanged to TRIGRID. Referring the coordinates to a datum close to
the domain being modelled will avoid this problem and also leave the
data better conditioned for the numerous difference calculations
carried out in TRIGRID programs.
Next: Running the SAMPLER to
Up: Preparation and sampling of
Previous: Digitised coastlinecontour and
Channel Consulting Ltd.