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  477                                     !NREC - number of nodes in file

    9                                     !MAXNGH - maximum number of neighbours for any node in this file					

    10.480    13.470     0.440     0.350  !RANGES - xhigh yhigh xlow ylow - extreme values of x, y positions

    1     1.570    13.470  1    0.00    2  204  126    0    0    0    0    0    0  !NODENO X Y CCODE DEP NEIGHBOURS(1..MAXNGH)

    2     1.430    13.180  1    0.00    1  204    3    0    0    0    0    0    0

    3     1.480    12.880  1    0.00    2  204    4  203    0    0    0    0    0

    4     1.530    12.580  1    0.00    3  203    5  202    0    0    0    0    0

    5     1.480    12.280  1    0.00    4  202    6  201    0    0    0    0    0

    6     1.270    12.020  1    0.00    5  201  200    7    0    0    0    0    0

    7     1.090    11.750  1    0.00    6  200  199    8    0    0    0    0    0


  474     2.610    12.300  0   30.00  246  247  473  475  454  455  456    0    0

  475     2.660    12.700  0   30.00  123  124  248  457  247  474  456    0    0

  476     5.313     1.194  0   15.00  170  477  171  209  206  207  208    0    0

  477     5.546     0.750  0   15.00   57   58  169   59  206  170  476    0    0

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