(Apologies: This chapter has not been completely typeset yet)
TriGrid demodata directory.
This file describes the files in this directory, and gives guidance to their use.
NOTE: This is a preliminary version of what will become a tutorial - there are comments, queries, and notes about what to expand.
The following files referenced in this tutorial are missing from the distribution. They will be recreated and checked shortly.
mod4.ngh e-dep.tri prejoina.ngh prejoinb.ngh rejoind.ngh prejoin.log
Adrian Dolling 27 Jan 1996
This directory contains a set of demonstration data files for checking out the principal programs in the TRIGRID package. After TRIGRID has been installed, these files will be found in sub-directory demodata. Create a working directory and copy to it the 3 initial data files bnd.dig , cont.dig and sound.nod . After transferring to the working directory, follow the steps below, running the required programs to recreate the various demo files in the order given below. Then compare the results with the demo files supplied.
Program file locations vary from system to system:
Unix: are in the bin subdirectory.
Windows: are in both the bin and bintext subdirectories.
These directorys could usefully be added to the PATH environment variable.
WARNING: The output from some programs may differ from the corresponding demo files, due to roundoff differences and to changes in precision in the format of the output files. In the case of GRIDIT, roundoff differences this may produce slightly different triangulations.