When this option is chosen or the program is first started, the following menu appears:
OPENGRIDFILE: Neighbour Node Triangle Binary Feswms Tabs Ptype
Each of these options allow for reading a different type of file as defined by the formats in Part III and below. The first four options prompt for the filename of the data in the noted format, i.e. NEIGH, NODE, TRIANG, or BINARY. The Binary file is read with the following (FORTRAN-77) code:
READ(2) NE,II,NP,II,NCN,II READ(2) ((NEN(J,K), K=1,NCN),J=1,NE), & (MATL(J),J=1,NE),((XYZ(J,K),J=1,NP),K=1,3), & (ALFA(J),J=1,NP),(NBC(J),J=1,NP)
where NE = number of elements, II is a dummy integer, NP = number of node points, NCN = number of corner nodes (=3 here), NEN = element incidence list (= node numbers in a counterclockwise order), MATL = element material properties (not used here), XYZ = (X,Y,depth) coordinates of nodes, ALFA = nodal slopes (not used here), and NBC = boundary condition code for a node (= 0 for no boundary, ;SPMgt; 0 for a boundary point). Note: NBC is used to draw the outer boundary of the network.
FESWMS input data can be the control file that contains the grid data, or a separate grid file. The program will prompt with a question to define whether the data in in formatted or unformatted form. The reply is to type an "f" or "u" from the keyboard. FESWMS data formats are specified in the FESWMS Users Manual. For a formatted file, the program reads the first data record and searches the first 4 characters for the string "SWMS". If this is found, the file is read as a control file. Otherwise it is read as a grid file. If the file is unformatted, it is read as a grid file.
The option TABS allows reading Tabs geometry files. Like FESWMS, Tabs is a derivative of the model RMA-2. The geometry files have the character string "GNN" at the beginning of each data record that contains node information, and "GE" at the beginning of each record that contains element information. This code supports 6-node triangles and 8-node quadrilaterals.
PTYPE allows triangle lists for high-order elements to be imported. First the node locations for at least the element corner nodes (or optionally the total number of nodes) is imported by reading a NEIGH format file in the NEIGHBOUR option of OPENGRIDFILE. The triangle list is imported by selecting PTYPE and entering the appropriate filename. The locations of any midside nodes that are not contained in the NEIGH file will be interpolated from the corner nodes. The file is read using free format. Each line contains the node list for a single triangle with no preceeding element number, nor any trailing numbers. The elements supported are triangles and quadrilaterals of order 1 (linear), 2 (quadratic), 3 (cubic), 4 (quartic), 6 (sixth order), and 8 (eighth order).
After input data is read in, one of the plot functions in GRID, CONTOUR, or VECTOR must be used to display or print the data.
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